Victoria, B.C, Canada.               Founded in 1922






    The Victoria Derby hosted by Doreen & Bob

The Capital City Racing Pigeon Club has a long history of hosting successful derbies. In 1989 Doreen & Bob Paulsen inherited the task of organizing and food preparation from a young lawyer leaving for the big city. " Panic set in and then we started from scratch and hung on by the skin of our teeth to get the event running. But we had lots of help..."Paulsen said.

Over the next 12 years, the derby, held on the property of the late Dick Roe, became popular in derby circles. Not long after Dick passed on, the derby went into limbo.

With a plan of revival, the club asked the Paulsen's to manage and host the limited entry derby at their Blenkinsop Valley property - an ideal pastoral setting. They were ready to call on helpers as required.   That was 2002.

The first derby was only 60 perches. This increased to 70 the second year. "We have a very large loft but do not feel right cramming birds into it and risking disease and sickness," Paulsen said. "These birds are not disposable and I will not put their health in jeopardy to make extra money for the club."

Derby profits remain with in the club. Most of the expenses and work are covered by club members. In the past, the club has been grateful for support from the business community.

Paulsen said the derby is the club's most important fund-raising event and with  Doreen's help and support from other club members, will keep it running successfully. With over 36 years in the sport in Denmark and Canada, he is well qualified. The Paulsen family name is highly respected and regarded in Europe in the art of pigeon racing and winning races.

"We always have the hawks and falcons to deal with, but good feed, cleanliness, and care are controllable," said Paulsen, adding that they're honored " to be in charge of your young birds and we'll do everything possible to keep them healthy."  There is always something new in the works to keep the interest of our faithful entrants.  For 2008 we would like to publish the band number as well as a photo of the winning bird(s) as this is just as important if not more important than the breeder.  We will give the bird(s) recognition for their achievment in the sport after all, they are here doing all the hard work.  Right?



W I N N E R S   O V E R   T H E  Y E A R S   H A V E   B E E N. . . .

2002   Mike Tomshak - Calgary

2003   Karl Frank - Edmonton

2004   Erica & Doug Blackstock - Langley

2005   Wayne Daignault first & Correia Lofts - Victoria over all winner total points in 3 races.

2006   Geoff Hett - Victoria first & Ron Coupal over all winner total points in 3 races.

2007   No derby this year as we needed to take a break.

2008 Paul Ceyssens  08 MIR 35 - Tom Spring MP 2909 winner total points in 3 races for Ace bird.

2009  Ken Snider '09 CU 16223 first & Geoff Hett Vic 636 winner overall in 3 races for Ace bird.



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